23.6 C
7 mars 2025

erreur lors de la demande de visa

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  • #23680

    Bonjour à tous.
    Voila je me suis trompée lors de ma demande de visa.. Dans mes données personnels. Il faut envoyer un mail c’est bien celà? Et es ce qu’il faut écrire tout en anglais ?? Aurai-je une réponse rapide ??
    Aidez-moi. s’il vous plait. 🙁


    Oui il faut leur envoyer un mail. Ils répondent généralement assez rapidement.


    Ok. Merci beaucoup.


    Bacchus, tu vas me prendre pour une idiote. Mais alors j’ai envoyer un mail, auquel j’ai reçu un message automatique. Et la je suis de nouveau bloquée. Quelqu’un m’a parlé d’un scan de mon passeport. Enfait, je ne sais pas comment j’ai fait mon compte, je me suis vieillie de 4 ans.. Et je ne sais pas comment faire. =/


    Elle te dit quoi cette réponse automatique?


    Hum. Elle me dit ça :



    UPDATED ON 09 September 2010.

    Thank you for your email. It has been received by the Working Holiday Visa
    Processing Centre in Australia.

    Please read the following information carefully
    If the general information within this email does not provide an answer to
    your query, we will endeavour to respond to your email within three (5)
    working days after receipt.

    If you have provided information or documents in relation to your
    application the information will now be included in the assessment of your
    working Holiday Visa application.

    If your question relates to the following topics, please see the likely
    answer below.

    – Checking The Progress Of Your application
    – Saved Application Number
    – Passports
    – Health examinations
    – Visa Labels
    – Working Holiday Visa Validity
    – Visa Entitlement Verification Online (VEVO)

    Information about the Working Holiday visa is available at:
    For information on systems issues, please visit:

    Checking The Progress Of Your application
    You can check the progress of your visa application at
    http://www.immi.gov.au/e_visa by using your Transaction Reference Number
    (TRN), which you would have received if you have lodged a valid visa
    application. Your TRN starts with EGN and is followed be a series of seven
    numbers and/or letters. Eg: EGNXXXXXXX

    Saved Application Number
    If you have saved your eWorking Holiday visa application for completion at
    a later date, your saved application ID will start with SEGN and is
    followed be a series of seven numbers and/or letters. Eg: SEGNXXXXXXX. If
    you were not given confirmation of your saved application ID and password,
    then it is likely your application was not successfully saved. In this
    situation you will need to start your application again.

    Unfortunately, the Working Holiday Processing Centre is not able to
    confirm whether an attempted saved application was successful and is
    unable to retrieve any lost application IDs or passwords.

    Health Examinations

    If you have been requested to complete health examinations, you should
    attend your appointment within 28 days after the date of notification. If
    you are unable to complete your health examinations within this period,
    you must contact the Working Holiday Visa Processing Centre and provide
    reasons as to why you are unable to do so. If you do not attend your
    health examinations or contact the department within 28 days after the
    date of this notification, a decision may be made on your visa application
    based on the information held by the department.

    Health examinations must be undertaken by radiologists and medical doctors
    selected by the Australian Government (Panel doctors). You can access this
    list from the following website:

    Passport changes
    Your Working Holiday Visa will be linked to the passport number that you
    provided in your application. If you obtain a new passport, you should
    advise the department of the new passport details by emailing

    If you do not provide the details of any new passport, you may experience
    significant delays at your departure airport and may be denied permission
    to board your flight to Australia.

    For the department to update your passport details we require the
    following information:

    name, as it appears on the new passport
    date of birth, as it appears on the new passport
    country of passport
    passport number
    passport issue date
    passport expiry date
    issuing authority / place of issue.

    You may also include a scanned copy of your new passport.

    If your passport has been lost or stolen please include the details of
    how, when and where this occurred.

    Visa Label Not Required
    Working Holiday visa holders are not required to have a visa label placed
    in their passport to be able to travel to Australia. Other than the visa
    holder’s passport, no further documentation is required to travel to
    Australia, although it is recommended that applicants keep a copy of their
    visa grant notification for their personal records.

    Visa Entitlement Verification Online (VEVO)
    Your visa details and work conditions can also be found through the
    department’s Visa Entitlement Verification Online (VEVO) service. VEVO is
    a free, online facility that allows an individual and/or an organisation
    to check the visa entitlements of a visa holder (with the visa holder’s

    VEVO can be accessed at: http://www.immi.gov.au/e_visa/vevo.htm

    Working Holiday Visa Validity
    A Working Holiday visa allows the holder 12 months to travel to Australia
    from the date the visa is granted. This 12 month validity period cannot be
    extended and if the visa holder has not entered Australia within the 12
    month period, the Working Holiday visa will cease.

    The visa also allows the holder a stay in Australia of 12 months from the
    date of first entry to Australia (this is the date when the visa is
    activated). The visa validity period can not be extended beyond 12 months
    from date of first entry.

    A Working Holiday visa provides the holder with multiple travel to
    Australia, which means that the visa holder can leave and re-enter
    Australia as many times as they wish during their 12 month stay. However,
    if the holder departs Australia during their 12 month stay they are not
    able to recover, in any way, the period of time spent outside Australia.

    The 12 month stay period starts when you enter Australia. This includes
    entering Australia as a transit passenger, on an Electronic Travel
    Authority (ETA), Crew Travel Authority (CTA), or a Maritime Crew Visa

    When you have started the stay period on your Working Holiday visa, it
    cannot be delayed or deferred.

    If you travel to and enter Australia on a Working Holiday visa, you will
    be precluded from applying for another 1st Working Holiday visa in the
    future. This is regardless of whether or not you have undertaken any work
    during your stay in Australia.

    Please note that people who have arrived in Australia with another type of
    visa cannot change to a Working Holiday visa while in Australia.

    Yours sincerely

    Working Holiday Visa Processing Centre
    Department of Immigration and Citizenship

    Important Notice: If you have received this email by mistake, please advise
    the sender and delete the message and attachments immediately. This email,
    including attachments, may contain confidential, sensitive, legally privileged
    and/or copyright information. Any review, retransmission, dissemination
    or other use of this information by persons or entities other than the
    intended recipient is prohibited. DIAC respects your privacy and has
    obligations under the Privacy Act 1988. The official departmental privacy
    policy can be viewed on the department’s website at http://www.immi.gov.au. See:



    Le passage qui nous intéresse c’est celui-ci:

    Passport changes
    Your Working Holiday Visa will be linked to the passport number that you
    provided in your application. If you obtain a new passport, you should
    advise the department of the new passport details by emailing

    If you do not provide the details of any new passport, you may experience
    significant delays at your departure airport and may be denied permission
    to board your flight to Australia.

    For the department to update your passport details we require the
    following information:

    name, as it appears on the new passport
    date of birth, as it appears on the new passport
    country of passport
    passport number
    passport issue date
    passport expiry date
    issuing authority / place of issue.

    You may also include a scanned copy of your new passport.

    Ca indique la marche à suivre si tu as un nouveau passeport. Ce n’est pas ton cas, mais vu que tu as fait une erreur dans la date de naissance qui figure sur ton passeport, il va falloir que tu fasses la même démarche. Tu leur envoie un mail à l’adresse indiquée dans ce passage en leur disant que lors de la demande tu as fait une erreur sur ta date de naissance. En pièce jointe tu leur envoie un scan de ton passeport.

    J’avais également fait une erreur lors de ma demande (sur le numéro du passeport) et je crois qu’une semaine après avoir envoyé mon mail j’avais reçu la confirmation comme quoi la modification avait été effectuée. 😉


    Merci beaucoup !! J’espère que ça a marché, je me vois mal repayer le visa 😉
    Je l’envoie de ma boite mail à moi. Ca a suffit pour toi? Parce qu’en fait, ma demande de visa a déjà été acceptée, tu crois que ça va etre changer? ( oui je sais, je balise un peu )


    Oui ça avait fonctionné pour moi, t’inquiète pas, ma demande avait aussi déjà été acceptée. Tu recevras bientôt un mail comme quoi ils ont fait la modification. Tu n’auras pas à repayer le visa. 😉


    OUF !! Merci beaucoup. Ca me rassure. =)

    T’es parti quand toi?


    Arfff ça commence à dater. Je suis parti en 2005! Et je suis rentré en France l’année dernière.

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