22.3 C
18 octobre 2024

Le temps de traitement

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  • #24630

    Bonsoir tout le monde, et oui, encore une question sur ce continent magique qui est l’australie.
    Je compte lancer avec mon mari notre projet d’immigration vers l’australie. Nos emplois figure sur la SOL, mais avec des niveaux différents d’étude.
    Donc ,combien de temp prend le traitement d’une demande de general skilled migration?
    Et pour l’IELTS faut-il que le niveau soit bon pour moi et mon mari ou une personne suffit?

    Merci 😛


    immi.gov.au 😉
    le temps de traitement peut varier d’un an à 2 ans.
    Pour l’IELTS il y a un minimum requis pour la personne qui fait la demande et un autre pour le partner, souvent assez bas celui du partner.


    Merci pour l’info. 😮

    Combien coûte la procédure dans sa totalité?
    Je veux essayer de faire mon dossier sans agent MARA, car la dernière fois que j’ai était en contact avec un il m’a demander une certaine somme: waouhhh 😮 .

    Cela dis je sais que ce n’est pas donné! Mais il faut en vouloir pour y aller, alors…


    dans les 2500 la demande de visa
    + frais annexes IELTS (1 fois ou plus si resultats pas obtenus au debut)
    + frais de radios et autres test
    + frais de traductions
    en gros compte 1000 dol de plus
    doit 3500 pour les 2 mais ça peut être plus


    Pour l’IELTS:
    – perso, en tant que demandeur principal il me fallait minimum 6/9 aux 4 epreuves
    – Pour ma partner il lui fallait soit disant 4,5/9 aux 4 epreuves. Mais réellement (elle a plantée l’oral : 3,5/9) c’est la moyenne qui à compté (5/9), donc c’est passé comme cela. Sinon tu dois payer une grosse sommes d’argent pour prendre des cours sur place à ton arrivée.



    Pour info:

    Minister Announces New Processing priorities and Processing Times
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    by Mark Webster, Acacia Immigration Australia, 5 August 2010

    The Minister for Immigration has announced new processing priorities which apply from 14 July 2010 for General Skilled Migration and permanent employer sponsored visas.

    Processing Priorities
    There are 4 priority groups – from highest to lowest priority these are:

    1. Employer Sponsored: RSMS and ENS are the highest priority
    2. General Skilled applicants sponsored under a State Migration Plan
    3. General Skilled applicants with an occupation on the new SOL
    4. All other applicants

    Processing Times
    In addition, we also have indicative processing times:

    1. ENS/RSMS:
    * ETA countries (Low Risk): 5 months
    * Non-ETA countries (High Risk): 7 months
    2. State Migration Plan
    * Onshore: 6 months
    * Offshore: 12 months
    3. New SOL:
    * Lodged prior to 1 July 2010:
    o Onshore: to be processed prior to 1 July 2011
    o Offshore: to be processed prior to 31 December 2011
    * Lodged after 1 July 2010:
    o Onshore: 18 months
    o Offshore: 18-24 months
    4. Otherwise: to be processed after groups 1-3 are finalized

    Exempt Visa Types
    Not all skilled visas are subject to the new priorities. For instance, the following continue to be processed in the order received:

    * Skilled Graduate Subclass 485 – 12 months
    * Skilled Recognised Graduate Subclass 476 – 7 months
    * Skilled Regional Subclass 887 – 5 months
    * Cases which have been refused and appealed successfully to the MRT (Migration Review Tribunal)
    * Subsequent entrants for Skilled Regional Sponsored and Skilled Graduate visas
    * Applications which clearly do not meet essential criteria and which are for refusal

    This is the fourth change to processing priorities since January 2009. The changes have been so frequent that even people in the higher priority categories in previous systems have not had a chance to be processed. The Critical Skills List – introduced in January 2009 – has now been abolished and effectively replaced by a much shorter Skilled Occupations List which is now being used both to limit numbers of new applications and to prioritise applications already in the system.

    Note that no State Migration Plans have yet been finalised. We understand that a number of states have completed their plans and are awaiting signature from the Minister of Immigration. As the government is currently in caretaker mode, ahead of the Federal Election on August 21, these may be a few months off coming into effect.

    People who were sponsored by state or territory governments receive no priority due to this unless they are sponsored under a State Migration Plan. If the nominated occupation is not on the new SOL, the application would be at the lowest priority level – despite the fact that such applicants were previously at the highest priority level.

    The changes are positive for accountants – previously a minimum score of 7 in the IELTS test was required for priority to be given. Now, any applicant with a skills assessment as an accountant will be at least in priority group 3.

    The indicative processing time for a Skilled Graduate subclass 485 visa is far longer than is reasonable. This type of visa is only valid for 18 months from the date of grant. On the positive side, the longer DIAC takes to process a 485 visa, the longer a student has to stay in Australia with full work rights.

    People in the lowest priority group have reason to be concerned because the Minister has introduced a visa capping bill which would give him the ability to cancel visa applications from people meeting certain criteria (eg occupation). Given the number of people waiting for decisions on skilled visas, the Minister would be highly likely to exercise this power if the Visa Capping Bill is passed through Parliament.



    Salut à tous, je poursuis ma recherche d’infos.
    Cela dis je me demande qu’elle sera la nouvelle politique d’immigration aprés les élections récentes qu’ils ont eu?
    Ce qui m’intrigue est que l’Australie; pays immense, a une politique d’immigration assez stricte qui encourage plus les métiers de terrain que des métiers administratifs (mis à part la comptabilité), alors la question est:
    qu’en est-il vraiment du marché de l’emploi dans les villes australiennes? :huh:


    heuuu si tu regardes la liste il y a pas mal de metiers « administratifs »quand meme.

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