23.3 C
22 décembre 2024

How do Australian people see their own country?

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  • #38280

    I would like to know how Australian people see their own country (for a report).
    How do they live with their past? (aborigines>>indifference, awareness of *something* going on, don’t want to know, involved …)

    How do they live now>>Is Australian society a « fair-go » society, are you happy with how you live in your coungtry…?

    What they think about politicas and economy in their country.

    … whatever you think about


    En tres resumé ils sont juste super fier (really proud ) d’etre australiens , ça c’est certains . Les aborigenes pour la majorité des australiens pure souche si je peu dire sont juste considéré comme des alcooliques et de drogués …


    Encore une journaliste qui fera un sujet sans se deplacer? 😛


    Non c’est un(e) étudiant(e).

    Tu devrais plutot rechercher un forum australien pour avoir des informations « de 1ère main ». Ici, nous sommes presque tous français.

    Aussie in Sydney

    Well, you don’t seem to have had too much success yet, so I’ll give you my two cents worth…

    I can only speak for myself, but will also give you general impressions based on my interactions with other Australians (friends, family…)

    I’m proud to be Australian, but I am very aware that my country is not the perfect place some people would like to believe in. Our European history is short, and has done irreparable damage to the Aboriginal people and culture that were here before us. That said, I believe many Australians truly want reconciliation between Aborigines and other Australians. Unfortunately, there will also always be racist and ignorant people, in every country…

    I feel no tie to the United Kingdom, even though the Queen is our figurehead. I believe Australia will, and should, become a republic one day.

    I think Australians believe in a ‘fair go’. Again, there are always exceptions, but countless people have enjoyed opportunities in Australia that wouldn’t have been possible elsewhere. And yes, I am happy with how we live in my country. No country is perfect, but we are very lucky to live in Australia.

    Politics… As inhabitants of an island, Australians can sometimes lose perspective in regards to the rest of the world. When Australians feel threatened (genuinely or otherwise), misplaced patriotism and fear of the unknown can surface, as can happen in other countries. On the whole, however, I think our political system is quite stable (but I believe the Sate/Federal system is in need of reform).

    Ok, I hope that helps. Sorry if you wanted this in French – since you wrote in English, I thought I would too.

    Best of luck.

    Damienroadtrip wrote:
    Encore une journaliste qui fera un sujet sans se deplacer? 😛

    Non, non, pas journaliste 😛 étudiante…

    Merci pour les autres réponses!

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