21 C
12 décembre 2024

Trouver un travail avant d’immigrer

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  • Auteur
  • #61245

    Mon mari et moi désirons immigrer en Australie. Cependant, nous ne voulons pas partir sans une certaine sécurité et espérons que l’un de nous deux puisse trouver un boulot via le net avant de partir (domaine ingénieur ou études cliniques). Croyez-vous que cela soit facilement possible et le fait d’avoir un travail avant de demander le VISA raccourcit-il de beaucoup le temps d’obtention de celui-ci?


    My husband and myself wish to migrate in Australia. However, we’d like at least one of us to find a job from Belgium before leaving, via internet (my husband is an engineer and I’m working in the clinical trials field). Do you think it’s feasible and would it make the application for a VISA much easier/faster?

    Thanks for your answer.


    si vous avez un travail avant, vous ne demanderez pas (dans un premier temps du moins) le même visa.
    On parle d’un visa sponsoring dans le cas d’un travail trouvé auparavant ou d’un PR autrement


    Bonjour Caroche,

    It is not easy to find a job in Australia when you don’t have a visa that enables you to work.
    You can look for a job while working on the visa application process and while the visa is being processed but please take into account that you will have most chances in finding a job once you obtain the permanent residence.

    When that happens you are not expected to arrive to Australia straight away, you will have a few months to activate the visa – that can give you the time you need to find a job and feel more comfortable about arriving to Australia.

    Please let me know if I can be of any assistance to you.

    Best wishes,

    Mira Flomin
    Registered Migration Agent (0210295)


    P.O.Box 1750
    Byron Bay
    NSW 2481
    Phone Int +61-2 – 66884081
    Mobile Int +61-417-735187
    Fax Int+61-2- 66884153

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