23.1 C
27 décembre 2024

travailler en Oz

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  • #77264

    j’aimerais savoir comment il faut faire pour venir travailler en OZ en tant qu’infimière quand on a un diplôme français. (démarche à suivre, visa, équivalence…..).
    merci de me répondre.
    biz à tous les amoureux de l’Oz…


    De manière générale, il est relativement facile pour une infirmière de trouver du boulot en Australie.


    « …Nurses wishing to apply for registration/enrolment under the Nursing Act, 1995 who undertook their educational preparation overseas, and who have not previously been registered/enrolled in an Australian State or Territory, must have their suitability for registration/enrolment assessed by the ANCI prior to making application with any Australian Nursing Board… »

    le site de l’ANCI:

    « …Sponsorship: Many of the recruiters on NursingJobs, both agencies and hospitals, have sponsorship agreements with immigration departments. This makes the process of obtaining a job in your chosen country a little easier as one of the major requirements for immigration is a bon a fide sponsor. That is, someone who can vouch for you. Of course you still have to satisfy immigration and work permit requirements but it helps to know that you will get employment once you land. Agencies usually can interview candidates before they travel and have you listed on their books so that you don’t need to waste time going through another interview process when all you want to do is start working. You can check out the above websites for more information about sponsorship or look at the profiles on NursingJobs to see which organisations can sponsor you. Job ads from time to time will also indicate if the organisation accepts foreign candidates… »

    Bonne chance.


    et pour une diététicienne, tu sais si y’a des possibilités???????
    à ++++++

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