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  • #182925

    Salut Elodie,

    C’est Floriane. Comme convenu par telephone ce matin, voici mes coordonnees :
    Tel: 0451125982

    Ca serait cool si on pouvait se rencontrer courant de semaine prochaine pour en discuter. J’aimerai beaucoup faire du woofing et voir du pays. J’envisage de partir de Brisbane aux alentours du 28-29 septembre. Eh oui, je suis arrivee sur Brisbane il y a trois jours, j’ai fait toutes les demarches administratives necessaires mais suis maintenant en attente de ma carte bleue et de mon tax filing number.

    S’il y a d’autres amateurs ou des personnes qui ont deja un van (ou voiture) et une petite place pour moi, je suis preneuse !
    Merci d’avance.


    Salut Eddy,

    J’ai 24 ans et je viens d’arriver sur Brisbane. J’envisage serieusement de faire du woofing. J’ai regarde les offres sur leur site et il y en a une qui a l’air sympa ( voir ci-dessous). Je n’ai pas encore le livre avec toutes les coordonnees mais je pense aller l’acheter la semaine prochaine. Comme tu peux le voir, c’est pres de Rainbow Beach et Fraser Island, donc pas tres loin de Brisbane. Je suis sur que si je les appelle, on peut s’arranger pour qu’ils viennent nous chercher a la gare ou a la station de bus. Il est vrai que le woofing n’est peut-etre pas ce que tu recherche car c’est du volontariat mais apparement sur l’offre ils disent qu’il est possible d’etre paye. Ca te dit ?

    Voici mon numero : 0451125982
    Appelle moi

    Woofing offer :

    Extra help is required on a commercial organic farm as 3 crops are being harvested simultaneously. This is a great opportunity to learn about and experience most facets of farming the organic way. Couples and mature singles are also welcome. Workers who are able to stay for a longer period of time are preferred as it takes a little while to learn how to undertake the different tasks and by doing a variety of different jobs you have a most interesting and enjoyable wwoof experience. We insist that workers here have fun even though the work can at times be hard so please ensure you have a fun attitude before applying.

    For those who are interestd, prepared to work hard, acquire the necessary skills and have work visas some paid work picking will be available.

    Our contact details are on page 231 of the July 2009, page 227 of the January 2009 and page 223 of the July 2008 WWOOF books.

    The wwoof book entry reads:
    4570 QN135 O Dave &Sandi, GOOMBOORIAN
    125 acres of peaceful certified organic farm on the road to Rainbow Beach and Fraser Island. Enjoy bushwalks through the 45 acre of rare pristine rainforest when not helping manage the trees and crops. The work is varied, fun, interesting and educational covering almost everything that occurs on a diverse, large and self sufficient organic property. Paid work is sometimes available. When the work is done nature walks, swimming in the pool, fishing, canoeing, visiting the beach and ocean sailing to Fraser Is. are all available recreational activities. Accommodation is in self contained caravans with a large communal area including DVD, pool and ping pong tables. Main meals and stimulating conversation at the ranch house. Close to rail and public transport at Gympie for pick up with a bus going past the front door.

    If you are interested please respond by email.
    Enjoy your Australian experience
    Dave and Sandi

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