Le Bonz-mb-58c8f732e1362

Toutes mes réponses sur les forums

22 sujets de 1 à 22 (sur un total de 22)
  • Auteur
  • #180940

    Si tu es étudiant: mis santé


    Je pars dans 3 semaines de l’autralie, je compte donc bien profiter de mes derniers jours sur Sydney.
    Alors n’hésitez pas, voici mon tel: 04 24 53 79 55



    Bonjour Anne So, Isabelle et Pierre,

    Je ne suis pas loin non plus, je suis sur Artarmon.
    Motivé pour aller boire un verre sur Lane Cove?



    Je tiens juste a rappeler que le couchsurfing est fait à titre gratuit. Et qu’il s’agit donc pas du site internet portant ce nom.


    ok, bon courage dans vos demarches.
    Et bonne continuation a vous.


    1 an a partir de maintenant?



    Avez vous une idée du délai d’obtention?


    Bonjour Keylia

    Nous recherchons actuellement un stagiaire en Base de donnees, mais le poste est a pourvoir le plus rapidement possible.

    Voici l’offre:

    DATABASE MANAGEMENT internship (6 – 12 months)


    Part of Bouygues Construction’s Specialist Civil Works division, VSL’s experience in posttensioning and related engineering goes back 50 years. VSL operates through 35 subsidiaries as a world-wide network, including 2 production facilities in Spain and China. With 3,900 employees, including 1,100 engineers and technicians, the group provides technical consultancy and support for the full range of works from project planning (development of
    preliminary designs, alternative design proposals) to complete final designs, construction engineering and on-site activities.


    • Develop an Information Management System for managing many business aspects including technical information, contacts and project information.
    • Database to be created independent of platform using SQL with HTML, XML and JAVA interface.
    • Configure and develop a proficient Knowledge Centre System (Database).
    • Manage and populate the database.
    • Monitor Database server.
    • Manage Security and data access.
    • Improve performance through transfer of data in and out.
    • Develop high availability and user interfaces.
    • Database implementation in an efficient manner.


    • Knowledge of SQL, XML and HTML and JAVA for Database Administration a must.
    • Highly motivated and self-driven.
    • Strong attention to detail & accuracy.
    • Must have good level of English.

    You will work closely with the Marketing Coordinator and Team Leader to develop the IMS; this is a great opportunity to see a project from start to finish with a very high level of ownership. You will be located in our Sydney offices, in Australia. Accommodation, car and allowance will be negotiated.

    If you are interested in an internship with us, please send us a cover letter and your resume to abarucchi@vsl-australia.com.au



    Luna: Le stage ce situe a Tornleigh.
    John_lennon: Etes vous en australie actuellement?




    En effet un WHV est requis, mais il est possible a la fin de la periode d’obtenir un sponsorship.
    Si vous avez d’autre questions, n’hesitez pas.




    Part of Bouygues Construction’s Specialist Civil Works division, VSL’s experience in posttensioning and related engineering goes back 50 years. VSL operates through 35 subsidiaries as a world-wide network, including 2 production facilities in Spain and China. With 3,900 employees, including 1,100 engineers and technicians, the group provides technical consultancy and support for the full range of works from project planning (development of
    preliminary designs, alternative design proposals) to complete final designs, construction engineering and on-site activities.


    • Develop an Information Management System for managing many business aspects including technical information, contacts and project information.
    • Database to be created independent of platform using SQL with HTML, XML and JAVA interface.
    • Configure and develop a proficient Knowledge Centre System (Database).
    • Manage and populate the database.
    • Monitor Database server.
    • Manage Security and data access.
    • Improve performance through transfer of data in and out.
    • Develop high availability and user interfaces.
    • Database implementation in an efficient manner.


    • Knowledge of SQL, XML and HTML and JAVA for Database Administration a must.
    • Highly motivated and self-driven.
    • Strong attention to detail & accuracy.
    • Must have good level of English.

    You will work closely with the Marketing Coordinator and Team Leader to develop the IMS; this is a great opportunity to see a project from start to finish with a very high level of ownership. You will be located in our Sydney offices, in Australia. Accommodation, car and allowance will be negotiated.

    If you are interested in an internship with us, please send us a cover letter and your resume to abarucchi@vsl-australia.com.au


    Bonjour Gaelle, as tu des compétences en Base de données?


    Maitrises tu les bases de données?
    Envoi moi un CV a abonzom@vsl-australia.com.au


    Tres bonne idee, mais n’y aurait il pas quelques choses au consulat?


    Super plan ! J’en reviens du Taronga Zoo… dégouté de ne pas être passé par le forum avant…


    Hello Thomas, merci pour cette proposition, à ce tarif quel type de bateau et combien de personnes et à quelles dates?


    Perso j’ai reçu une formation en cours pour MySQL, mais pas toute mon entreprise… Donc eux il préfere Access, donc je dois faire avec.
    Excel en base de données c’est encore pire… lol


    Bonjour à tous, motard aussi, et j’ai une grande envie de faire une petite ballade. Alors compté sur moi.


    Le Fish Market


    De mémoire les Premiers sont un peu moins cher que les Greyhound.


    Si tu penses changer de banques en france, et que tu voyages pas mal, je te conseil HSBC, ils sont présent dans plus de 80 pays et c’est super pratique.
    Bon courage


    Bonjour Sam, est ce possible que le samedi?

22 sujets de 1 à 22 (sur un total de 22)