Toutes mes réponses sur les forums
13 avril 2007 à 8 h 19 min #277418ptlabsMembreabdelli wrote:je voulais savoir quel est le nom equivalent de mon diplome en australie,
sachant que j’ai comme diplome BAc +2 ou encore BTS.Oui, en general, une BTS est équivalent à un diplôme en australie.
Vous aussi devez assurer votre expérience professionnelle est acceptable pour MODL. C’est la raison je pense votre situation est compliquée.
As I specialize in ACS cases, I can tell you that you need to be careful with your work experience in order to claim MODL.
Bonne chance!
13 avril 2007 à 6 h 40 min #277416ptlabsMembreabdelli wrote:je n’ai pas compris l’abreviation « RPL (Recognition of Prior Learning) »Vous pouvez obtenir connaissance de RPL ici:’est important que vous discutez avec un agent de l’immigration parce que votre situation est compliquée.
That’s the maximum limit of my French, so if you have any questions, feel free to contact me via my website.
29 mars 2007 à 9 h 05 min #277309ptlabsMembrebaybay17 wrote:Peter how much is low fees for an assessment? I know they are not all blood sucker but I feel stupid not being able to understand it by myself.Australian migration law is a very complex area, so it’s not something to feel stupid about when you can’t find all the options available to you by yourself.
Most registered migration agents may also not know all aspects of migration law, and I certainly don’t claim to know it all. I specialize in my domain of « comfort » and I believe no one agent knows everything.
How low is low? I have a fixed fee for an initial assessment if you are an IT professional as stated
For all other occupations and situations, I ask people to first email me. If I cannot help them because this is not an area I practise in (e.g. I do not take refugee cases), there will be no charge as there will be no services rendered.
Have a look at my FAQ: and there’s a question about whether an agent is necessary or not.
29 mars 2007 à 8 h 56 min #276510ptlabsMembresebastiencayetanot wrote:the same in english 🙂 .. Sorry to not re-word earlier…As I said before, I have worked in telecommunication and now I work for NxP (Philips) in the semiconductor department. I have more than 8 years of work experience in Telecommunication and semiconductor (I have worked for Alcatel, Sagem, Motorola and now for NxP/Philips) but most of the time (7 years) I worked as Software egineer/Software Project Manager. I do not think that I can assess my electronic skills because my last experience was a the begin of my career.
I clearly looking for position in the Software department (development, integration and validation) in any industry which can be interesting by my profile.
Merci pour l’anglais traduction.
Depending on your personal circumstances, I think you may stand a chance at getting un visa permanent now.
If you want to send me your résumé via my website: I should be able to advise further once I know your specific details.
Au revoir!
29 mars 2007 à 8 h 24 min #276506ptlabsMembresebastiencayetanot wrote:C vrai que je n’ai pas precise enormement de choses sur mon metier, en fait je fait surtout du developpement et integration soft dans les telecoms.Pour information, les semiconducteurs correspondent en fait au chipset. Je fais aussi du dev soft sur ces composants : exemple : developpement des drivers et validation des circuits comme des puces Nvidia ou autres.
Ma compétence française est limitée, so if you are talking about software development and engineering in a telecommunications domain, maybe you can re-word this in English svp?
As I specialize in IT/Engineering skills assessment, perhaps there’s something I can do for you here.
29 mars 2007 à 8 h 19 min #277306ptlabsMembrebaybay17 wrote:Yea I know that.
But they are often expensive and I dont think I can ask for a skilled visa anyway. So I guess the only thing I can do is find a job that would sponsor me.And RMA cant find me a job 🙂I’ve assessed people for a very low initial fee for skilled visas, or generally exploring visa options for French people in Australia – not every RMA is a blood-sucker (hope you know what this means).
I’ve also advised a French national for the price of a cup of coffee – perhaps I was very thirsty then 🙂
29 mars 2007 à 5 h 32 min #277304ptlabsMembrebaybay17 wrote:It is so complicated to get a comprehensive overview of the possibilities.That’s where Registered Migration Agents can come in to help 🙂
But of course, RMAs are not magicians.
29 mars 2007 à 4 h 31 min #277301ptlabsMembrebaybay17 wrote:Pour un subclass 457 je dois sortir d australie pour le demander car je n’ai pas un des visas permettant de faire sa demande en etant present sur le territoire?D’autre part je dois faire certifier mes qualifications?(qualification assessment)
Pour la visa 457, vous pouvez être en Australie ou overseas.
There is no skills assessment needed for the 457, unlike the skilled visa process.
29 mars 2007 à 3 h 44 min #276502ptlabsMembresebastiencayetanot wrote:Hi everybody,I’m currently looking for vacation in Australia. it’s very hard to find a way to move to Australia and I looking for help to give me some name of recruitment company, or company who looking for people with Telecom and semiconductor skills.
Do you think that really « easy » to be sponsored by Australian Companies ?
If you qualify for a permanent visa, why not apply for that visa now? It will give you more options to do what you want in Australia.
29 mars 2007 à 3 h 41 min #276485ptlabsMembrejonathank wrote:Etant a Sydney depuis 8 mois, je cherche a obtenir un visa pour rester.
Et donc les questions dans ma tete se multiplient.
Connaitriez vous un agent d’immigration en qui je peux avoir confiance sur Sydney?
De plus, pour obtenir un PR Visa, mon metier (acheteur) n’est pas sur la liste.
Mais j’ai un diplome en marketing et en finance d’ou la question suivante :
Pour obtenir les 50-60 points sur la liste des metiers recherches en Oz, est-ce que un diplome Francais est suffisant ou suis-je oblige d’avoir de l’experience?Bonjour,
Sans un 60-point travail, c’est très difficile pour vous obtenez un visa permanent si vous n’avez pas la famille en Australia et votre travail n’est pas en la MODL.
More importantly, if you do not have recent work experience, you may not be eligible for any skilled visa at all 🙁
28 mars 2007 à 9 h 45 min #276536ptlabsMembreMerci Sébastien pour l’explanation.
Je ne suis pas une partie d’une grande compagnie.
If you would want to email me your detailed résumé, I can let you know your options. I specialize in IT and engineering skills asssesment, as I’m trained in both.
sebcedval is right about the option of ENS visa – your company must have a branch/office here in Australia for you to apply for this visa.
28 mars 2007 à 8 h 41 min #276533ptlabsMembreSébastien,
If I understand you correctly, you are in charge of an engineering department? If you are an engineer, then a CDR is a possible way for you but you’ll need to act fast before you turn 30 otherwise you may lose some points.
If you can repeat what you’ve said in English, I may be able to assist you more adequately. Or, if you prefer, contact me in private?
Peter24 mars 2007 à 21 h 33 min #277292ptlabsMembrebaybay17 wrote:Does that mean that I m holding a subclass 575. Anyway can I apply while in australia for a further stay as a tourist i dont think i have the no further stay condition as it s not in the e mail they sent me. I cant use the EVO cause i dont know my password.Yes, the passage you have quoted seems to indicate that you now hold a subclass 575 visa.
Condition 8053 which bars a visa holder from applying for a further visa onshore in Australia is a possible condition for a subclass 575 visa, therefore I cannot conclusively say whether you are able to apply for a new visa while in Australia.
From what I see, it will be difficult for a 575 visa holder to have any real pathway to permanent residence via the General Skilled Migration scheme.
What do your normal/usual occupation and qualification(s)?
24 mars 2007 à 13 h 35 min #276779ptlabsMembreThe-game05 wrote:Hey j’aimerais savoir un peu
j ai mon oncle qui vit en Tasmanie et une cousine a melbourne j’ai vu que je ouvez me faire sponsorié par eux comment faire MerciWhat is votre le travail et votre qualifications? (sorry, don’t know how to say « what is » properly in French)
If you have a skilled occupation, you may be eligible for a skilled Australian sponsored visa.
Alternatively, depending on your specific personal circumstances, you may be eligible for some form of family visa.
I would suggest that you consult a registered agent to explore your visa options, or do some research off the DIAC website:
Au revoir!
24 mars 2007 à 10 h 34 min #277289ptlabsMembrepunawa wrote:@ptlabs: We dont have any sublass number because we applied for the visa on the immigration’s website. So we just received an email with the Visa Grant Number.Si vous voulez savoir les conditions de votre visa, allez à
and follow the link to the EVO. This will tell you what conditions are attached to your visa. Sorry, my French ability stops after 1 line 🙁
And if you want a visa label inserted into your passport so that you can physically see the conditions of your visa, see: am assuming that you have applied for a subclass 573 visa.
23 mars 2007 à 3 h 50 min #277287ptlabsMembrebaybay17 wrote:I don’t have a visa printed on my passport. It s an student e visa. However I read the e-mail they sent me and I can’t see the condition 8503 so I guess I can ask for a further stay as a touristDo you know the subclass number of the visa you’re holding?
22 mars 2007 à 20 h 28 min #280150ptlabsMembremoms81 wrote:my question wasi pass The First certificate Cambridge 2 years ago, and i would like to know if th IELTS is harder than The first
i want to pass the DIAC’s requirement and trying to come to Australia
I’ve never taken either the First certificate or IELTS, so I realy can’t comment 🙁
However, IELTS tests in four components: reading, speaking, writing and listening. It’s not impossible to score 6 or 7 or more in each of these modules if you’re competent in English.
Unfortunately, DIAC will normally not allow any other test to be used in replacement of IELTS.
22 mars 2007 à 20 h 13 min #278179ptlabsMembremoms81 wrote:de toute facon je ne pourrais pas travaillé plus que 20h par semaine non? et je devrai etre en cour full time?Vous ne travailler pas plus de 20 heures par semaine avec un student visa.
You cannot work for more than 20 hours a week on a student visa (main applicant)oui, vous devriez être à l’école full time si vous avez un student visa.
22 mars 2007 à 11 h 42 min #280148ptlabsMembresebcedval wrote:Ca depend de ce que tu entends par dur – A savoir que le General training est effectivement moins dur – le test comprend 4 modules – Speaking – Listening – Reading – Writing.
If you have doubts as to your capacity to reach the required leve, i would advise you to take some courses..
–As my ability to comprehend this whole conversation is very limited, I can only say that:
Teaching Australia and DIAC have separate and different IELTS requirements.
In this case, if I understand the initial post correctly, chup needs to prove a higher level of English proficiency: same score (provided it has not expired) can be used for DIAC purposes as DIAC’s requirement is lower than Teaching Australia’s.
22 mars 2007 à 11 h 36 min #277584ptlabsMembresebcedval wrote:No – She is looking forward to going in the direction of a WHV.Excusez mes capacités françaises limitées.
I think she may need to consult a registered agent to go through all her visa options. If she qualifies for some form of skilled visa now, it’s probably worth exploring that avenue.
22 mars 2007 à 10 h 12 min #280145ptlabsMembresebcedval wrote:Desole – IELTS – C’est le seul doc accepte par diac pour confirmer tes connaissances de l »anglais…C’est correct.
There’s virtually no exemption from an IELTS test for main applicants of skilled visas who are non-native speakers of English.
22 mars 2007 à 10 h 04 min #277582ptlabsMembresebcedval wrote:Hello Peter
I gather 496 followed by 883 can be a good option for her.It’s possible, but as I mentioned earlier, work experience while on a WHV visa needs to be skilled and of the appropriate duration in order to apply for any skilled visa.
If I’m not mistaken mymy69 was talking about already being in Australia on a WHV?
22 mars 2007 à 5 h 23 min #277580ptlabsMembremymy69 wrote:bonjour, j’aimerais savoir s’il était possible de faire une demande de visa permanent tout en étant dans le pays. En fait je souhaite partir 1 an en Australia avec un WHV et j’aimerais en meme temps faire ma demande de visa . En résumé quelqu’un sait il s’il est possible d’etre dans le pays pour demander 1 visa ou faut il etre en France ??
D’avance merciIt depends on what visa you are eligible for and are planning to apply for.
A WHV holder will generally not have sufficient recent work experience to apply for a skilled visa under the General Skilled Migration scheme.
You’re probably better off exploring your options with a registered agent, but chances are you’ll need to find an employer to sponsor you on a temporary basis before thinking of permanent residence.
22 mars 2007 à 5 h 18 min #277285ptlabsMembrebaybay17 wrote:Je suis en australie sous un visa etudiant. Il y a trois semaine j ai fait une demande de permit de travail pour ce visa etudiant et lorsque je vais sur le site DIMIA on dirait que mon application est bloquée il indique « Processing commenced » depuis 3 semaines. quel est le délai moyen?De plus je souhaite savoir si il est possible de prolonger mon sejour ici apres expiration de mon visa en demandant un visa tourist. Ou sortir du pays demander une ETA et revenir.
Désolé, mon français n’est pas bon so I will post in English.
What visa subclass do you currently hold, and what are the conditions attached to your visa? You can find this out by reading your visa label: you have a condition 8503 attached to your visa, then you cannot apply for a further tourist visa while you remain in Australia.