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  • #276541

    Salut sebcedval,

    D’accord également avec toi. En revanche, si je souhaite m’installer en Australie ce n’est pas pour « profiter abusivement » du système, je souhaite donc m’installer en toute légalité et donc faire tout ce qui est possible pour être en règle. Je pense que si le gouvernement me délivre un visa, cela veut dire que je rentre dans une catégorie prévue qui a des droits et des devoirs envers la société.
    Peut-être devrais-je souscrire une assurance privée ou m’inscire au Médicare sous un régime particulier.
    En bref, j’ai vraiment besoin de chercher car mon cas n’est pas très clair.
    Merci pour tes remarques ca nous permet de réfléchir et donc poser les bonnes questions (si tu as d’autre remarques, elles sont les bienvenues).




    Je pense que ton raisonement est crédible.
    J’arrive dans un pays avec déjà un salaire, je suis un consommateur potentiel (il faut bien vivre), capable de subvenir à mes besoins sans dépendre du système. De plus mon activité professionelle
    de par sa nature va me faire rencontrer des professionelles locaux (sous-traitant électronique ; distributeurs de composants) je vais donc participer à l’économie locale. Ces arguments on je pense de la valeur.
    En revanche, mon salaire est payé par une entreprise Française, le gouvernement Australien ne perçoit donc aucune taxes ni impots sur mon revenue.
    Ce cas n’est je pense pas très classique et je ne sais donc pas si la délivrance de visa ce fait en analysant ces paramètres là
    , vont-ils si loin ?


    Thanks Peter for answering so fast,

    My résumé is under construction, the first version will be ready next monday. I’ll send it to you once it’s ready.

    At first glance, what is your opinion about my position (keeping my job with the French company) ?




    Dear Peter, Here after my explanation in english.

    By the end of this year I’ll be 30 (so will be my wife)…this will be the end of a period and the begining of a new life.
    I would like to move to Australia and experienced a new way of life…an old dream…

    I’d describe my case as « unclassic ». Let me explain.

    Here after my 2007 profesionnal options:

    I’m an Electronics Engineer and I’ve been in charge for 2 years of the « Hardware Departement » for a small French company in France.
    I’ve been working hard for 7 years in this company and now I have the possibility to work for this company from a remote location.
    My employer is giving me the choice to work for him from anywhere (as long as I’ve access to the web). That’s great.

    I have several questions that I could answer by simply reading the
    different web sites & forum about « moving to Australia ».

    Is it a real plus if I underline the fact that I already have a job when I/you apply for any kind of Australian visa ?
    This means I will already have a salary when I’ll be landing on the Australian ground.
    Info: My employer is French and the company does’nt have any agency in Australia.
    I don’t exactly know how to use this situation. Is it a real advantage or nothing special or valuable?

    Which visa is suitable for the above case?

    I had a look at your website, it looks serious and your company is not too
    big, based on my own experience I consider this as a plus.

    If you can help.

    Best Regards.

    Sébastien ROCA.


    Dear Mira,

    By the end of this year I’ll be 30 (so will be my wife)…this will be the end of a period and the begining of a new life.
    I would like to move to Australia and experienced a new way of life…an old dream…

    I’d describe my case as « unclassic ». Let me explain.

    Here after my 2007 profesionnal options:

    I’m an Electronics Engineer and I’ve been in charge for 2 years of the « Hardware Departement » for a small French company in France.
    I’ve been working hard for 7 years in this company and now I have the possibility to work for this company from a remote location.
    My employer is giving me the choice to work for him from anywhere (as long as I’ve access to the web). That’s great.

    I have several questions that I could answer by simply reading the
    different web sites & forum about « moving to Australia ».

    Is it a real plus if I underline the fact that I already have a job when I/you apply for any kind of Australian visa ?
    This means I will already have a salary when I’ll be landing on the Australian ground.
    Info: My employer is French and the company does’nt have any agency in Australia.
    I don’t exactly know how to use this situation. Is it a real advantage or nothing special or valuable?

    Which visa is suitable for the above case?

    I had a look at your website, it looks serious and your company is not too
    big, based on my own experience I consider this as a plus.

    If you can help.

    Best Regards.

    Sébastien ROCA.

5 sujets de 1 à 5 (sur un total de 5)