
Toutes mes réponses sur les forums

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  • #149250

    oui, bien sur,
    pas de souci pour se rencontrer dans la semaine.
    je tenvoies un mail sur ta boite.



    Merci beaucoup pour toutes vos reponses,

    ecoutez on va tester quand meme, meme si ca sent larnaque,
    peut etre que lon peut le prendre a son propre jeu si il accepte nos regles.
    si il les refuse, cela voudra dire que cest une arnaque, sinon, cest un vrai client. mais on en doute….

    voila le deal que je viens de lui proposer :

    here are many pictures of the car. you can see the inside, the outside and the engine of the car. As you can see, everything is clean. the point is, as i told you, the painting has been faded out in some parts on the bonnet, and the boot. Considering this, the rest of the car is actually very clean and the engine is more than perfect.
    If you are still interested after seeing these pictures, we can meet your agent. Your agent will come to a place, check the car, and if he thinks that the car is as what you expect, he will give you his agreement. Then, you will send the money on my paypal account. I will need to accept the payment and wait the money to be on my french account. You will have a certain time to wait (lets say between 4 and 6 days) that the money will be on my french account. At that time, we can meet again your agent to sign all the papers and give you the car.
    Considering all these factors, we agree to deal on your way but you will need to accept our time request. Your father will get his car on time, because it wont take more than one and a half week to do that.

    Tell me what you think about it. We arrive in Brisbane in 2 days and we can see your agent.

    De cette maniere la, sil accepte nos conditions, on ne se fera pas niquer ! :onfire:

    dites moi ce que vous en pensez !
    sinon notre voiture est tpujours en vente, et cest pas du tout une arnaque celle la !
    quelqu’un dinteresse ?
    (edit modérateur : lien retiré)

2 sujets de 1 à 2 (sur un total de 2)