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  • #109593

    Bonjour a tous,

    Voila, après quatre mois d’attente, j’ai enfin eu mon visa !!!!
    En faite, j’avais perdu mon passeport quand j’habitai à Barcelone et une demande de visa avait ete faite pour l’Australie avec celui ci. On m’a donc demander des informations complémentaire. Une lettre de motivation, ce que je faisai en France actuellement, ma position bancaire des trois derniers mois, une photocopie de mon passepot, mes activités professionnels depuis 5 ans et enfin ce qu’etait devenu mon passeport. J’ai donc fait un depot de plainte que j’ai fait traduire officielement. Les documents scanné et envoyé, j’ai attendu trois semaine pour me voir accordé le visa.
    Le départ est prevu le 25 decembre pour la Malaisie ou je reste une semaine pour ensuite m’envolé vers Melbourne. Aprés je vais a Sydney je ne sais par quel moyen pour l’instant.
    Donc voila, j’inverse les rôles, si jamais vous avez un probleme quant a la demande de votre visa, j’espere pouvoir vous aidez grace à mon experience un peu particuliere.
    A bientot.



    Surprise ce matin, j’ai du nouveau pour mon visa. Un email m’a ete envoyé ou l’on me demande des infomations supplementaire. Malheureusement, je ne suis pas sur d’avoir bien saisie l’ensemble. Voila ce que j’ai recu :

    Dear Mr Wladyslaw Maximilien SYGULA

    This email is in relation to your electronic Working Holiday (subclass 417) visa application lodged via the Department of Immigration and Citizenship website.

    When assessing a Working Holiday (subclass 417) visa application the decision maker must be satisfied that you have an intention to visit Australia temporarily as a genuine visitor whose principal purpose is to spend a holiday in Australia. Under the terms of the Working Holiday visa condition 8547, Working Holiday visa holders are permitted to work for up to 6 months with each employer.


    In order to further assess you against the genuine visitor requirement please provide the following additional information or documents:
    Details of your previous employment history in the last five (5) years including the role, position, name of employer and period of employment.
    A declaration whether you have already organised employment in Australia, if yes please provide details.
    Details on how you currently support yourself in your home country or country of usual residence.
    A copy of your bank account statements showing the name of the account holder, all transactions for the past three (3) months and the final balance of the accounts (name and recent date must be included on the statements).
    An explanation about your reasons for travelling to Australia and how you heard about the working holiday visa program.
    A contact telephone number in your country of residence that the department can contact you on (if not already provided in the application).
    A colour copy of the personal details and identity photo page of passport number 09AA#####, your current passport. (Please ensure your passport copy is sent as an attachment to your email with the title/name of the attachment containing English characters only).
    According to Departmental records you were granted an Electronic Travel Authority (ETA) on 22 August 2009. This ETA was linked to passport number 06AP#####. Departmental records also show that passport number 06AP##### is still current with an expiry date of 26 October 2016. As the Department is required to keep our records up to date please provide an explanation about this passport including:
    Whether you still have this passport
    Whether this passport was lost, stolen or damaged
    The date this passport was lost, stolen or damaged
    The place this passport was lost, stolen or damaged; and,
    If this passport was lost, stolen or damaged did you report this incident to the relevant authorities?

    Original documents in languages other than English must be accompanied by an English translation.


    You must respond to this request within 28 days after you are taken to have received this email. As this request was sent to you by email, you are taken to have received it at the end of the day it was transmitted.

    If you do not reply within the timeframe specified above your application may be decided without the requested information being taken into account. If you are unable to provide the requested information within 28 days, you must contact the Hobart Global Processing Centre at eVisa.WHM.Helpdesk@immi.gov.au to provide an explanation.


    You can provide information to the Hobart Global Processing Centre by attaching electronic documents to your application, email, fax or post.

    When providing information you should include your full name, date of birth, passport number and Transaction Reference Number (TRN). The preferred file formats for attachments are .jpg or .pdf. The total size of attachments for each email must not exceed 5 Mb.

    Attaching documents electronically to your online application

    You can submit your documents in electronic (scanned) format by using the « Attach documents to a lodged application » function available on the department’s eVisa website at http://www.immi.gov.au/e_visa/working-holiday-attachments.htm

    Reply to eVisa.WHM.Helpdesk@immi.gov.au

    Please do not alter information in the subject line of this email.

    Fax and Post

    The department prefers information to be provided using one of the options above. However, if you are unable to provide the requested information electronically you may fax or post it to:

    FAX: +61 3 6281 9553

    Hobart Global Processing Centre
    Tasmania State Office
    Department of Immigration and Citizenship
    GPO Box 794
    Hobart TASMANIA
    AUSTRALIA 7001


    To check the progress of your application, you can use the online enquiry service.

    Use your Transaction Reference Number (TRN) provided in the subject line of this email to access this free 24 hour service through our website at


    The department will try to process your visa application as efficiently as possible. However, the department advises applicants not to finalise their travel arrangements until they have received notification of their visa application outcome.

    Working Holiday visa applications lodged electronically may be finalised within two (2) weeks of lodgement. In some instances applications may need to be referred for further processing, resulting in longer processing times.

    To be eligible for a Working Holiday visa, applicants must be outside Australia when they apply and at the time a decision is made on their application.
    If your visa application contains incorrect and / or misleading information, this may lead to your application being refused or your visa being cancelled.

    Medical treatment in Australia can be very expensive for tourists who are not covered by Australia’s national health scheme. It is recommended that you have health or travel insurance for yourself and your family for the duration of your stay in Australia.

    If your circumstances change or the information provided as part of your application is no longer correct, you must inform the department in writing as soon as possible.


    You can contact us with a general enquiry in a number of ways. Please refer to the attached documents. The attachments are provided as .pdf files. To view or print a .pdf file, you need the Adobe Reader®, Version 5 or later, on your computer.

    You can download a free copy of Adobe Reader® and access instructions on how to install the software from the Adobe website http://get.adobe.com/reader/

    Thank you for using the eVisa service.

    Yours sincerely

    Rosemary Davie
    Position Number 60007343
    Hobart Global Processing Centre
    Tasmania State Office
    Australian Government Department of Immigration and Citizenship
    Telephone: +61 3 6281 9515
    Facsimile: +61 3 6281 9553
    Website: http://www.immi.gov.au

    (See attached file: CONTACTING THE DEPARTMENT.pdf)(See attached file: CLIENT SERVICE INFORMATION.pdf)

    Important Notice: If you have received this email by mistake, please advise
    the sender and delete the message and attachments immediately. This email,
    including attachments, may contain confidential, sensitive, legally privileged
    and/or copyright information. Any review, retransmission, dissemination
    or other use of this information by persons or entities other than the
    intended recipient is prohibited. DIAC respects your privacy and has
    obligations under the Privacy Act 1988. The official departmental privacy
    policy can be viewed on the department’s website at http://www.immi.gov.au. See:

    Je comprend pas le passage ou me demande des informations sur un passeport qui n’est pas le mien (06AP#####). C’est chaud quand meme, j’ai l’impression qu’on me demande pas mal de choses. En plus je ne l’ai pas signaler mais mon adresse sur mon passeport actuel n’est plus la meme, et pour on compte en banque, c’est un compte espagnole, je me demande si ca va poser un probleme et si je dois avoir les 5000 dollars exigé. J’pense que c’est pas gagner cette histoire, mais je ne baisse pas les bras et suis motivé et leur fournir tout ce dont ils ont besoin mais je pense que je vais avoir besoin d’un peu d’aide, J’ai pas un super niveau en Anglais. Merci a tous pour l’aide que vous pourrez m’apporter. Est ce que qq’un a deja recu ce mail ?

    Merci, A bientot.


    Qd je regarde mon statut il est noté exactement :

    Application 1st Working Holiday Maker EGN#######
    01/08/2011 Application received – processing commenced
    01/08/2011 Appliccation fee received

    View your receipt details
    Link to DEWR web site

    Person 1 Wladyslaw Maximilien Sygula
    Date of birth : 11 july 1984 Passport : 09A######

    20/09/2011 e-mail sent to you

    View Entitlement Details

    Voila rien de terrible quoi. Sachant que l’email que j’ai recu , c’est une reponse qui ne m’a pas aider du tout. En faite je leur ai dit que je n’avais pas de reponse depuis plus d’un mois et que donc je m’inquieter. Ds le mail on me dit comment acceder sur la page ci dessus pour consulter mon statut et d’etre patient.

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