Le 1er site francophone sur l’Australie, le pays-continent › Forums › Working Holiday Visa › Visa Working Holiday › HELP ME !!!!! VISA
- Ce sujet contient 2 réponses, 3 participants et a été mis à jour pour la dernière fois par Enzo As, le il y a 9 années et 1 mois.
7 octobre 2015 à 16 h 07 min #89979Kevin Firmin LoupiacMembre
Bonjour ,
j’ai fais mon visa il ya 2 jours et j’ai reçu sa aujourd’hui je ne comprend pas ce qui me demande quelqu’un peux m’aider ??
Request for more information for a Working Holiday (Temporary) (class TZ) Working
Holiday (subclass 417) visa
Processing your application
I have begun considering your application for this visa and require additional information. A
summary of the information required for each applicant and a more detailed description of
each requirement is included in the attached Request Checklist and Detail attachment.
Timeframe for response
You must respond to this request within 28 days after you are taken to have received this
letter. You should provide your response in writing.
Please send your response to me using the contact details provided below.
As this letter was sent to you by email, you are taken to have received it at the end of the day
it was transmitted.
If you do not reply within the timeframe specified above your application may be decided
without the department taking any action to obtain the requested information. If you are
unable to provide this information within this time you should contact us using the contact
details provided below.
– 2 –
Working Holiday Maker Perth
OFFICE:836 Wellington Street West Perth WA 6005
POSTAL:Locked Bag Number 7 Northbridge WA 6865
Information from another person or organisation
In this request we have asked you to provide information from another person or organisation.
You are allowed to take longer than the period specified above to provide this information to
You must provide us with evidence, within 28 days after you are taken to have received this
letter, that you have requested the information from the other person or organisation. When
the other person or organisation gives you the information you must then give it to us as soon
as possible.
Your information – your privacy
Your visa application contained a Privacy notice about how the department can collect, use
and disclose your personal information, details of which would still apply to information
provided as a result of this letter.
Withdrawing your application
You can withdraw your application at any stage during processing. If any applicant wishes
to withdraw their application, they must advise the department in writing. If a combined
application was made, this advice can include any number of applicants or applications, but
must be signed by each person aged 18 years and over.
Contacting this processing office
We prefer contact with this office concerning your application to be electronic via our
website. We try to respond to all online enquiries within seven (7) working days.
Please visit our website available at
Changes to your circumstances
You are required to tell us about any changes to your circumstances that may affect any
answer to a question in your application form including your name, passport, contact
details, address or family members as soon as possible. This obligation continues until a
decision is made on your visa application, or, if you are currently outside Australia, until you
have arrived in Australia and passed immigration clearance. You are required to do this in
writing and can use Form 1022 Notification of changes in circumstances (Section 104 of the
Migration Act 1958), which is available at
Failure to notify the department of your new circumstances can have serious consequences
and even if the visa you have applied for is granted, it may later be cancelled.8 octobre 2015 à 8 h 18 min #398621AmeliePParticipant« require more information » ca veut dire qu’on te demande plus de détails.
« a more detailed description of each requirement is included in the attached Request Checklist and Detail attachment » veut dire que les détails sont dans les pieces jointes de l’email ».
« You must respond to this request within 28 days » veut dire que tu as 28j pour leur envoyer ce qu’ils demandent.Les emails de l’immi sont longs en général mais les bonnes infos sont concentrées au début de l’email (en tout cas tous les emails que j’ai eu jusque maintenant c’était comme ca). Pas besoin de tout comprendre, juste chercher les mots clés 🙂
Donc il faut que tu lises les pieces jointes pour savoir ce qu’on te demande.
9 octobre 2015 à 12 h 46 min #398622Enzo AsMembreBonjour Kévin je viens d’avoir le même soucis aurais tu trouver la solution….? Je voulais savoir aussi si c’était normal que je ne puisse plus accéder à mon immiaccoumpt ni voir l’avancement de ma demande…? merci d’avance..!!
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