23.4 C
12 janvier 2025

Need help, it seems that a master degree allowe you to work

Le 1er site francophone sur l’Australie, le pays-continent Forums Immigrer en Australie Immigration Need help, it seems that a master degree allowe you to work

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  • #66993

    Hello every one,

    I went to the immagration website and it seems that the wife or husband of the student is allowed to work full time if the student is enrolled in a master or a PhD. Could you please confirm this? My wife (she spent 8 years of her childhood there) and I are planning to move to Australia and it will be financially easier if one of us could work full time. I have already a MBA & a BS from the USA and I am totally fluent in English, spent 4 years in the States. I am missing just 10 points for the immigration skills visa because I didn’t worked 3 consecutive years in the same trade. But I will be qualify after I study 2 years. Did one of you was in the same case and did they get the residency visa after their study? Thank you so much for your time.

    member of a family unit under visa subclass:
    573 (undertaking a masters coursework), or
    574 (masters research or doctorate course), or
    576 (AusAID or Defence-sponsored),

    unlimited hours, if you apply for permission to work after you start your masters or doctorate course

    Bonjour a tous,
    Je suis allé sur le site de l’immgration et il semble que l’épouse ou époux pourrait avoir l’authorisation de travailler full time si l’étudiant fait un master ou un PhD. Merci d’avance pour la confirmation.


    Well not many answers, but any way I found the answer.


    Well, it might be because no one has ever been confronted to the situation before 😉

    Si tu veux, tu peux faire partager la reponse, ou mettre le lien ou tu as trouve cette reponse.
    Ainsi, si jamais cette situation se represerntait, nous serions alors d’avantage apte a apporter une reponse 😀

    Bon voyage a vous!


    La réponse est oui confirmé par l’ambassade. A+


    Merci 😉

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