25.9 C
15 mars 2025

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  • #44490

    Gday guys! Donc voilà, alors nous avons trouvé un taf au centre équestre de Melbourne pour 2 semaines au mois de Février 2009. Il s’agit de celui qui se situe tout près de l’aéroport. Est-ce que quelqu’un est déjà passé par là??? Est-ce que les gens y sont sympas? Merci à tous!!

    I tried to translate my text in english. It would be a great pleasure for me to have some corrections from you

    So we have found a job in the equestrian center of Melbourne for two weeks. It locates just closed to the airport. Does somebody know this place? Are people there friendly? 😛
    Thanks you all.

    Have a nice day.

    Toothbrush Nomads

    Est-ce que tu parles du Highfield Equestrian Center, sur HelpExchange ?

    Si c’est ça, oui, c’est très bien 😉
    Photos : http://www.toothbrushnomads.com/dotclear/index.php?gallery/australie-victoria/highfield-equestrian-center#gallery


    sans vouloir jouer les profs d’anglais, voila comment j’aurai tradui ca:

    OzonlOz wrote:
    So we have found a job in the equestrian center of Melbourne for two weeks. It locates just closed to the airport. Does somebody know this place? Are people there friendly?

    we’ve found a job in the equestrian center of melbourne for two weeks. It’s located close ( ou « just next » ) to the airport. Somebody knows this place? Are poeple friendly there?


    merci!!!! 🙂

    Toothbrush Nomads
    plisken11 wrote:
    OzonlOz wrote:
    So we have found a job in the equestrian center of Melbourne for two weeks. It locates just closed to the airport. Does somebody know this place? Are people there friendly?

    we’ve found a job in the equestrian center of melbourne for two weeks. It’s located close ( ou « just next » ) to the airport. Somebody knows this place? Are poeple friendly there?

    We’ve found a job at an equestrian center in Melbourne for a couple of weeks. It’s very close to the airport. Does anyone know this place? Are the people friendly there?

    Toisième version, MWAHAHAHAHA !! :mrgreen: 😆
    (hein ? quoi ? non, j’ai rien de mieux à faire 😆 !)

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