23.3 C
22 décembre 2024

Visa Skilled Migrant Worker + etude Masters

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  • #70678

    Bonjour, Hello
    I am currently living and working in Paris as an English editor for an international photo agency but my dream is to move to Australia! Unfortunately I am always missing 5 or so points to the point test so I have applied to do Masters degrees at Melbourne University (Cinema Management) and Macquarie University (double degree in International Business and International Communications) and am impatiently waiting the results…
    I just saw on this web site that the Skilled Migrant Worker Visa was changing and more jobs were going to be put on offer and this new information might effect my future plans… For example, would I have more chances with a broader business diploma over a very specific cinema diploma?
    I was also hoping that you could give me more information on my options once I’ve graduated….
    I also have dual citizenship French/Canadian and was wondering if being part of the Commonwealth helped any??
    Thank you for your help!!!!!!
    Looking forward to reading you soon 🙂

    Par Toutatis

    Bonjour! 🙂

    Non, desole, le fait d’etre canadien(ne) ne facilite pas l’optention d’une residence permanente.
    Concernant tes etudes en Australie, posseder un diplome local te donne des point de bonus: de 5 a 15 points suivant le diplome. Ca t’aidera peut etre a trouver les points manquants…
    Tu peux aller voir la (p.35): http://www.immi.gov.au/allforms/booklets/1119.pdf
    S’il te manque quelques points, tu peux toujours essayer de decrocher un visa SIR. Ce visa (pass mark 100 points) te permet de vivre dans des zones moins peuplees. Il ne te permet pas de vivre dans les grandes villes.
    bon courage!

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