18.5 C
16 février 2025

Votre opinion pour ma Lettre de motivation

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  • #16772

    Bonjour à tous,

    Je souhaiterais avoir votre opinion/aide sur ma lettre de motivation, mon but etant de reellement la mettre en valeur, attirer leur attention et tout simplement faire qu´elle ne termine pas à la poubelle

    J´ai laissé des mots en rouge car je souhaiterais que vous m´aidiez à les reformuler,

    Que pensez-vous de cette lettre? Les paragraphes sont ils coherents ? Vous accroche-t-elle?

    Merci encore pour votre aide!!!

    Dear YYYYY[use first name]

    There are two main reasons which have led me to present my application to your company. First and foremost, the Spanish roots of your organisation and its place in the (nom du marché)market. Secondly, your corporate policy.

    Indeed, I had been working for more than 2 years in Spain and I really would like to share with you my knowledge of the Spanish market (Pensez-vous que cela peut les interesser le fait de vouloir compartir mes connaissances du marché espagnol?)as well as the language I speak fluently.
    Moreover, I feel very much aligned with the way your company encourages the team spirit and I believe I would be a very good fit within your organisation for any job’s opportunity you could have suitable with my skills.

    May I first introduce myself, my name is Julia Roubin, I am a French national and have over 4 years of solid work experience as a Multilingual Executive Assistant.

    As you could see in my resume, I have worked for one to several executives and directors and I pride myself on my ability to deal with pressure and multi-task with a positive and flexible attitude.

    My natural curiosity and involvement in my job have led me to undertake a wide array of tasks, including general management related ones to some more specialized ones such as:
    Assisting to meetings and collaborating with projects realization, participating in the company’s promotion working with the marketing and trade departments, improving the administrative department organisation making the internal communication clearer? ( Ca se dit comme ca?)

    My flexible (repetition, un autre terme? )nature has allowed me to work effectively with multi-cultural teams in different countries and within different organizations.

    Moreover, I am a proactive team member who can also work independently and I always aim to go above my set duties to ensure the best for the company’s organisation. Indeed, I could prove myself in this job and quickly evolve assisting to various managers.

    I am aware that my visa (Working Holiday Visa) is not the best to enhance my application but it was the only one I could be granted to achieve one of my main goal: Working in Australia.

    For your information, I will arrive in Melbourne the 2nd of September and be available from this date.

    I thank you in advance for taking the time to consider my application. I have attached my resume to this application. Please feel free to contact me by email on XXXXXXX or on my mobile on YYYYYYY

    Yours sincerely,

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