21 C
15 janvier 2025

Vrai job, ou Fraude ?

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  • Auteur
  • #21702

    Voila cherchant un job a temps partielle ou en casual sur gumtree, je suis tombé sur une annonce disant, « Part time job, earn a lot of money ». Mais sans plus. Je me suis dit, « je vais envoyer un mail demandant plus d’information et un CV, on véra bien ».
    J’ai reçu le mail suivant :
    Hello Dear Candidates!

    Thank you for your reply about my advertisement on Gumtree
    Basically I’m looking for Couriers for part time job (about 1-2 hors a day).
    Your duties:
    1) To receive goods or mail to your home address.
    2) To open box and check the stuff (color, quantity etc.).
    3) Report me by email.
    4) To put stuff in new box with a few items that you received already (up to 20 lbs.)
    I’ll pay you $40.00 AUD per each shipment out in cash (Western Union or bank transfer or check).
    It is easy regular job without heavy lifting. You don’t need to drive a car or truck – it is not necessary
    I have 10 – 40 customers every day with different orders from all areas and I’m serving a few stores.
    I have some special orders also as corporate documents delivery, cash delivery, jewelry delivery and gifts delivery, auto spare parts etc.
    If you really interested I’ll teach you about each deal at the same time when it will come to the deal. I’ll try to make you busy on weekend also if you would like to.
    I’m doing the same and I’m busy too much. That’s why I’m looking for couriers.
    Let me know if you still interesting and please give me some information about yourself as follows:
    First name:
    Last name:
    Home address:
    Postal Code (Zip code):
    Cellular phone:
    Name of Your cellular phone’s company provider:
    Home phone:
    When is the best time to contact you during a business day?
    Do you have permit to work in AU?
    How many hours do you have available during a day?

    Best Regards,
    Alan »

    Je me suis dit, c’est un peu bizarre comme boulot. Mais bon pourquoi pas, faire un ITW et on véra. J’envois donc mes cordonnées (en gros ces informations, c’est les informations qu’il y a sur mon CV) et je reçois le mail suivant :
    « Hi Ludovic,

    Thanks a lot for your reply.
    I’ll send you money for your 3 hours job as prepayment to make sure you’ll have your first order and you can handle that in your local area depends of your location by your choice. You’ll startup since Tuesday or Wednesday next week. So please give me your banking information:
    Bank Name:
    Name on your bank account
    (As shown on your bank statement):
    Bank Account #:
    BSB #:
    Scanned copy of your ID with your photo (such as Driver License, Passport, Student ID Card etc.)
    I called you to that phone number witch you gave me but there always answering machine is “ON”. Please double-check your phone number and please send me second one. Can you check an email every morning at 8:00 AM since Tuesday?
    I’m on my way to Czech Republic, Hungary (all around Europe) to buy and to sell some stuff at the auctions. I have some good clients out there. We’ll have a meeting with you after my business trip and we have to sign up an agreement any way if you would like to. I’ll do my best to give you one and easy order for the first time of documents or cash or small box with light electronic delivery and it will take about 2 hours for your part of job.
    Please give me your availability plan for next week (during business days).
    As you know our hours are flexible.
    I’ll phone you or one of my assistants will phone you before any transactions will be made.
    Every time I’ll provide you with all necessary information and instructions in details.

    Best Regards,

    Alan »

    😕 bien sur, j’ai rien envoyé, ma réponse était :
    « Sorry Sir, but I want to meet you, see the contract before to give you these informations. When are you going to come back to Brisbane ?
    Best regards,
    Ludovic »
    Mon bon je flip un peu quand même car il a du coups pas mal d’information sur ma personne.
    Et j’ai rerépondu a une même sorte d’annonce peu de temps aprés, mais sans envoyer mon CV. Tient tient je reçois le même mail mais de la part d’un Shaw.

    Certaines personnes m’on dit qu’en Australie, le vole d’identité était courant. Je flip un peu. Est-ce vraiment une fraude ? Comment puis-je me protéger juste au cas ou ?


    A eviter comme la peste.

    Au mieux il arrive simplement a etre couplable de identity theft et de te vider ton compte en banque. Au pire tu fais ce qui est demande, a savoir recevoir a ton addresse des colis obtenus de maniere frauduleuse (par exemple avec des fausses CB ou CB volees) que tu renvoies ensuite a leurs addresses, qui vont certainement se trouver en Russie d’ou emanent la majorite de ce type de scam. Ah oui le top bonus dans tout ca c’est que c’est du recel tout simplement (l’AFP n’aime pas trop).

    Un conseil: coupe toute communication immediatement.

    Toothbrush Nomads

    Idem, à ta place je laisserais tomber immédiatement. La combinaison « je suis à l’étranger » + « donne moi tes détails bancaires » tire généralement une énorme sonette d’alarme dans mon esprit…


    Ok. C’est ce que j’ai fait. Merci pour vos réponses.

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